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ISSUE #8 [24/7]

A little over a week remains until we embark on Phase Two of Experiment 959. I must confess that I am more than a little nervous. One of the physicists in charge of the tunnelling engine assures me that nothing will go wrong, but I know from experience that there will always be that small possibility of things going awry.

I, for one, am clueless as to how Francis remains so calm. Just last week he went off on a whim to have a “meet-and-greet” session with the researchers. I understand that building rapport with these experts is imperative to the fulfilment of our objectives, but at such a crucial juncture as this?

Of course, the fact that Francis is calm is cause for mild admiration. I cannot discount how he has kept Phase One running smoothly for the past eight years despite his whimsical tendency. It must be his business instincts kicking in.

Still, I fret. Sometimes I find myself awake at night, wondering if anything will go wrong - and if so, how to handle it. I do not want to frighten any of you reading, if you have already registered - I am confident that Phase Two will carry on without any problems. It is just that little off-chance that keeps me awake at night.

I will have to keep this newsletter brief. There is much preparation to be done for Phase Two, and every extra second I spend preparing means that we will be that much more certain of our success.

- Claudia

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