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ISSUE #3 [19/6]

Hello guys and girls!

Francis here again. It’s been two weeks since signups began and loads of people are signing up! I don’t know how many people are going to sign up in the end but the marketing department assures me they’ve advertised a lot, so it should be a lot, right?

Looking at the website makes me wonder what I would do if I were just one of the trial subjects. It says I can do anything I want for five days, right? I’d love to go and try new food! I wanna just sit at a sofa and watch all the new television programmes that are out.

But sadly I have work to do. Claudia keeps making me sign legal paperwork assuring the government I won’t record down winning lottery numbers and break the system, but where’s the fun in that? Why can’t we just get the legal department to sign things for me?

Anyway, if you’ve come here and are interested in signing up for Phase Two, do it! If you’ve already done so, thanks! I appreciate it!

- Chairman Guan

Edit: Claudia says we don’t have a legal department. Wait, then who has been writing our press releases?

Edit 2: It was Violet, my secretary. Claudia says she probably deserves a raise.

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